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Journal of Common Market Studies

JCMS is the leading journal in the field of European Integration Studies and publishes high-quality, accessible articles on the latest European issues. For over 50 years, JCMS has been the forum for the development and evaluation of theoretical and empirical issues in the politics and economics of integration, focusing principally on developments within the European Union.

JCMS Editors-in-Chief are Paul James Cardwell, Kings College London, Roberta Guerrina, University of Bristol, and Gabriel Siles-Brügge, University of Bristol

JCMS Annual Review Editors are Gianfranco Baldini, University of Bologna, Elena Baracani, University of Bologna, Sorina Cristina Soare, University of Florence

JCMS book review editors are Simona Guerra, University of Surrey, and Dario Čepo, University of Zagreb.


Find out more about JCMS.


JCMS Annual Review

The Annual Review covers the key developments in the European Union, its member states, and acceding and/or applicant countries in the previous year.


JCMS Prize

An annual prize is awarded for the best article published in JCMS. Learn more and browse winners here.


UACES Members' Discounts

UACES members receive an 80% discount on subscriptions. For more information visit the JCMS website.


Contribute to JCMS

  • Please read the Author Guidelines to find out how to submit an article to JCMS.
  • If you are interested in becoming a book reviewer, please visit the JCMS website for information for prospective reviewers.


Open Competition for the 2026 Special Issue 

The Editors of the JCMS are delighted to announce the Open Competition for the 2026 Special Issue. The deadline for application is 8 May 2024 and full instructions can be found here (applications now closed).