Gendering EU Studies
A UACES Network since 2018
GES brings together a rich and growing body of work in the area of gender and EU politics and policies, with the intention of mainstreaming gender and feminist approaches in EU studies.

The network seeks to encourage the further development of this scholarship and encourage the dissemination of key findings within mainstream outlets. The network brings together established and early career researchers in a supportive environment aimed at producing high quality and rigorous research outputs.
GES seeks to explore and challenge the obstacles which curtail feminist influence in EU Studies and leave gender analysis on the periphery. The network thus has two co-constituting aims:
- To encourage research on gender and all aspects of the EU, including external relations.
- To facilitate engagement between ‘mainstream’ EU Studies scholars and feminist scholars on the value of gender analysis.
The project 'Gender and Inclusivity in Peace and Security' was launched with a panel discussion and a best practice guide.