INTERSECT: Technology-Security-Society interplays in Europe
A UACES Research Network since 2017
The collaborative research Network INTERSECT creates a cross-European structure for advancing the knowledge on the many facets of the interplays between technological developments, security practices, and societal changes in Europe.

It will provide an open forum in which established and early career academics working on related issues meet and develop research ideas while engaging with civil society. As technological developments challenge common perceptions of space and time, they impact the way security is practiced and open up a myriad of questions about the values that sustain our societies and the principles that govern them. With its online presence, academic publications and public events, INTERSECT will contribute to public and academic debates around topics such as surveillance, public-private relations and hybrid rule, cybersecurity, use of drones and artificial intelligence, data retention, or suspect profiling.
As these topics gradually enter the policy domain and permeate EU issue areas such as border surveillance, counter-terrorism, finance tracking, maritime security and dual-use R&D and involve agencies such as FRONTEX, the European Defence Agency, the EU Satellite Centre, or the Schengen Information System II, they urgently require further academic enquiry and public scrutiny.