Race, Racism and Identity in Europe and in the Academy: A DIMES Reading List
As part of the Diversity, Inclusion and Multidisciplinarity in European Studies project (DIMES), UACES and the project advisory board have put together this reading list on racism in Europe and the Academy. It includes journal articles, books and audiovisual resources. This list is not exhaustive - if there are resources you think we should add please let us know: admin@uaces.org.

Racism and constructions of identity in Europe
Ackah, W. (2011) ‘Conceptualizing racialized black political activity within European spaces: a political opportunities approach’, African and Black Diaspora: An International Journal, 4:2, 161-175,
Ahmed, S. (2007) ‘A Phenomenology of Whiteness’, Feminist Theory, 8(2): 149-168.
Baker, C. (2018) Race and the Yugoslav Region: Postsocialist, Post-conflict, Postcolonial?. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Balkenhol, M. and Schramm, K. (2019) ‘Doing race in Europe: contested pasts and contemporary practices’. Social Anthropology, 27: 585-593.
Balogun, B. & R. Joseph-Salisbury (2020) ‘Black/white mixed-race experiences of race and racism in Poland’, Ethnic and Racial Studies.
Beaman, J. (2017) Citizen Outsider: Children of North African Immigrants in France. Univ of California Press.
Beaman, J. (2019) ‘Are French people white?: Towards an understanding of whiteness in Republican France’, Identities, 26:5, 546-562.
Bhattacharyya, G., Virdee, S. & Winter, A. (2020) ‘Revisiting histories of anti-racist thought and activism’, Identities, 27:1, 1-19.
Çankaya, S. and Mepschen, P. (2019) ‘Facing racism: discomfort, innocence and the liberal peripheralisation of race in the Netherlands’. Social Anthropology, 27: 626-640.
de Witte, M. (2019) ‘Black citizenship, Afropolitan critiques: vernacular heritage‐making and the negotiation of race in the Netherlands’. Social Anthropology, 27: 609-625.
El-Tayeb, F. (2004) ‘The Archive, the Activist, and the Audience, or Black European Studies: A Comparative Interdisciplinary Study of Identities, Positionalities, and Differences’. Transit, 1(1).
El-Tayeb, F. (2008) ‘“The Birth of a European Public”: Migration, postnationality, and race in the uniting of Europe’. American Quarterly, 60(3): 649-670.
El-Tayeb, F. (2011) ‘The Forces of Creolization: Colorblindness and Visible Minorities in the New Europe’. Françoise Lionnet and Shu-mei Shi, eds. The Creolization of Theory, 226-252.
Emejulu, A., and Bassel, L. (2018) ‘Austerity and the Politics of Becoming’. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 56: 109– 119.
Escafré-Dublet, A. (2019) ‘The whiteness of cultural boundaries in France’, Identities, 26:5, 563-578.
Givens, Terri E. and Rahsaan Maxwell, eds. (2012) Immigrant Politics: Race and Representation in Western Europe. Boulder: Lynne Reiner.
Givens, T. E. and Evans Case. R. (2014) Legislating Equality: The Politics of Antidiscrimination Policy in Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Givens, T. E. (2020) ‘Immigration, Race and the Radical Right: Politics and Policy from Colonialism to Brexit’. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 58: 514– 526.
Hansen, P. and Jonsson, S. (2014). Eurafrica: The Untold History of European Integration and Colonialism. London: Bloomsbury. https://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/eurafrica-9781780930008/
Hine, D.C., Keaton, T.D. and Small, S. eds. (2009) Black Europe and the African diaspora (Vol. 120). University of Illinois Press.
Horký-Hlucháň, O., and Kratochvíl, P. (2014). '"Nothing is Imposed in This Policy!": The Construction and Constriction of the European Neighbourhood'. Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, 39(4): 252–270. https://doi.org/10.1177/0304375415574453
Kinnvall, C. (2016). 'The Postcolonial has Moved into Europe: Bordering, Security and Ethno-Cultural Belonging.' Journal of Common Market Studies, 54(1), 152-168. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcms.12326
Loftsdóttir, K., (2018) ‘Global citizens, exotic others, and unwanted migrants: mobilities in and of Europe’, Identities, 25:3, 302-319,
Loftsdóttir, K., (2018) Crisis and Coloniality at Europe’s Margins: Creating Exotic Iceland. Routledge.
Meer, N. (2019) ‘The wreckage of white supremacy’, Identities, 26:5, 501-509,
Merlingen, M. 2007. ‘Everything Is Dangerous: A Critique of “Normative Power Europe”’, Security Dialogue 38(4): 435–453. https://doi.org/10.1177/0967010607084995
Mondon, A., and Winter, A. (2019) ‘Whiteness, populism and the racialisation of the working class in the United Kingdom and the United States’, Identities, 26:5, 510-528,
Musliu, Vjosa. 2020. ‘EULEX Kosovo: A status-neutral and technical mission?’ in The Routledge Handbook of Critical European Studies, edited by D. Bigo, T. Diez, E. Fanoulis, B. Rosamond, and Y.A. Stivachtis, 477–486. London: Routledge.https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/edit/10.4324/9780429491306/routledge-handbook-critical-european-studies-yannis-stivachtis-didier-bigo-thomas-diez-evangelos-fanoulis-ben-rosamond
Otele, O. (2020) African Europeans: an untold history. Hurst.
Phạm, Q.N. and R. Shilliam (eds) (2016). Meanings of Bandung: Postcolonial Orders and Decolonial Visions. London & New York: Rowman & Littlefield International. https://rowman.com/ISBN/9781783485666/Meanings-of-Bandung-Postcolonial-Orders-and-Decolonial-Visions
Richardson-Ngwenya, P. (2013) 'Situated knowledge and the EU sugar reform: a Caribbean life history', Area, 45(2):188-197.https://doi.org/10.1111/area.12011
Rutazibwa, O.U. (2010) ‘The problematics of the EU’s ethical (self) image in Africa: the EU as an “ethical intervener” and the 2007 joint Africa–EU strategy’. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 18(2): 209-228.
Rutazibwa, O.U. and Shilliam, R. eds. (2018) Routledge Handbook of postcolonial politics. Routledge.
Find out more.
Rutazibwa, O.U. (2020) ‘Hidden in plain sight: coloniality, capitalism and race/ism as far as the eye can see’. Millennium, 48(2): 221-241.
Sabaratnam, M. (2013). ‘Avatars of Eurocentrism in the critique of the liberal peace’. Security Dialogue, 44 (3): 259–278. https://doi.org/10.1177/0967010613485870.
Small, S. (2018) ‘Theorizing visibility and vulnerability in Black Europe and the African diaspora’, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 41:6, 1182- 1197.
Solomos, John, ed. (2020) The Routledge International Handbook of Contemporary Racisms. Routledge.
Find out more.
Teloni, D.D. and Mantanika, R. (2015) ‘“This is a cage for migrants”: the rise of racism and the challenges for social work in the Greek context’. Critical and Radical Social Work, 3(2), pp.189-206.
Vigneswaran, D. (2020). ‘Europe Has Never Been Modern: Recasting Historical Narratives of Migration Control’. International Political Sociology 14(1): 2–21. https://doi.org/10.1093/ips/olz025
Wekker, G. (2016) White Innocence: Paradoxes of Colonialism and Race. Duke University Press.
Ellerbe-Dueck, C. (2011) ‘The Black European Women’s Council: “thinking oneself into the New Europe”’. African and Black Diaspora: An International Journal, 4(2): 145-160.
Ellerbe-Dueck C. (2011) ‘Networks and “Safe Spaces” of Black European Women in Germany and Austria’. In: Armbruster H., Meinhof U.H. (eds) Negotiating Multicultural Europe: Borders, Networks, Neighbourhoods. Palgrave Politics of Identity and Citizenship Series. Palgrave Macmillan, London.
El-Tayeb, F. (2011) European Others: Queering Ethnicity in Postnational Europe. University of Minnesota Press.
Emejulu A. and Sobande, F., eds. (2019) To Exist is to Resist: Black Feminism in Europe. Pluto Press.
Icaza, R. (2017). ‘Decolonial Feminism and Global Politics: Border Thinking and Vulnerability as a Knowing Otherwise’. In M. Woons & S. Weier (eds), Critical Epistemologies of Global Politics. Bristol: E-International Relations Publishing: 26–45. https://www.e-ir.info/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Critical-Epistemologies-of-Global-Politics-E-IR.pdf
Sweetapple, Christopher ed. (2018) The Queer Intersectional in Contemporary Germany: Essays on Racism, Capitalism and Sexual Politics, Berlin: Psychosozial-Verlag.
Diversity in Higher Education, Decolonising the Curriculum
Alex-Assensoh, Y. (2003) ‘Race in the Academy: Moving Beyond Diversity and Toward the Incorporation of Faculty of Color in Predominantly White Colleges and Universities’. Journal of Black Studies, 34(1), 5–11.
Alex-Assensoh, Y., Givens, T., Golden, K., Hutchings, V., Wallace, S., & Whitby, K. (2005) ‘Mentoring and African-American Political Scientists’. PS: Political Science & Politics, 38(2), 283-285.
Begum, N. and Saini, R. (2019) ‘Decolonising the Curriculum’, Political Studies Review, 17(2): 196–201.
Bhambra, G.K., D. Gebrial and K. Nişancıoğlu, eds. (2018) Decolonising the University, London: Pluto Press.
Bhambra, G.K. (2022). 'A Decolonial Project for Europe'. Journal of Common Market Studies 60(2): 229–244. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcms.13310
Emejulu, A. (2019) ‘Can Political Science Decolonise? A Response to Neema Begum and Rima Saini’. Political Studies Review, 17(2), 202–206.
Garrido, F.E., Koegler, C., Nyangulu, D. and Stein, M.U., eds. (2019) Locating African European Studies: Interventions, Intersections, Conversations. Routledge.
Gopal, P. (2021). 'On Decolonisation and the University', Textual Practice, 35(6), 873-899. https://doi.org/10.1080/0950236X.2021.1929561
Grosfoguel, R., Oso, L. and Christou, A. (2015) ‘Racism’, intersectionality and migration studies: framing some theoretical reflections, Identities, 22:6, 635-652,
Fúnez-Flores, J.I. (2022). 'Toward decolonial globalisation studies', Globalisation, Societies and Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/14767724.2022.2048796
Mügge, L., Montoya, C., Emejulu, A. and Weldon, S.L., (2018) ‘Intersectionality and the politics of knowledge production’. European Journal of Politics and Gender, 1(1-2): 17-36.
Noxolo, P. (2017) ‘Decolonial theory in a time of the re‐colonisation of UK research’. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 42: 342-344.
Oliver, C. and Morris, A. (2019) ‘(dis-) Belonging bodies: negotiating outsider-ness at academic conferences’. Gender, Place & Culture, 27(6): 1-23.
Smalling, S. (2020) ‘Overcoming resistance, stimulating action and decentering white students through structural racism focused antiracism education’, Teaching in Higher Education,
Tuck, E. and Yang, K.W. (2012). 'Decolonization is not a metaphor'. Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society 1 (1): 1–40. https://journals.scholarsportal.info/pdf/19298692/v01i0001/nfp_dinam.xml
Tuck, E., & Yang, K. W. (2014). R-words: Refusing research in D. Paris and M.T. Winn (eds.), Humanizing research: Decolonizing qualitative inquiry with youth and communities, 223-248. https://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781544329611
Zambrana, R. E., Ray, R., Espino, M. M., Castro, C., Douthirt Cohen, B., & Eliason, J. (2015) ‘“Don’t Leave Us Behind”: The Importance of Mentoring for Underrepresented Minority Faculty’. American Educational Research Journal, 52(1), 40–72.
Zambrana, R.E., Harvey Wingfield, A., Lapeyrouse, L.M., Dávila, B.A., Hoagland, T.L. and Valdez, R.B. (2017) ‘Blatant, Subtle, and Insidious: URM Faculty Perceptions of Discriminatory Practices in Predominantly White Institutions’. Sociological Inquiry, 87: 207-232.
Audiovisual Resources
Terri Givens in conversation with Toni Haastrup: Diversity, Academia, European Studies
Presentations from the Inaugural DIMES workshop
Podcasts of interviews between DIMES project participants
Decolonising Europe #5: Decolonising the curriculum, Rosalba Icaza and Michael Onyebuchi Eze, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dd9G0WwcNgs
Decolonising the curriculum: what’s all the fuss about?, Gurminder Bhambra and Meera Sabaratnam, https://www.bbk.ac.uk/news/serious-about-decolonising-the-curriculum
Online Lecture Series: Decolonising Europe by the Amsterdam Centre for European Studies, University of Amsterdam, https://aces.uva.nl/content/news/2020/06/decolonising-europe.html
TEDxFlanders talk by Olivia U. Rutazibwa: ‘Decolonize the western minds’, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0b6wfDGseU